Sharpenking Bully Astrosniks Sacapuntas

Astrosniks sacapuntas para la venta

Astrosniks vs Smurfs. Astrosniks (also called Sniks) are little outer-space creatures that live on the planet Snikeria. They are said to be strong, friendly and very intelligent. Astrosniks speak their own special language, Sniklish.

The Astrosniks figures first came out in 1975 and were made by the German company, Bully. These very first Sniks were all orange-skinned with yellow hair except for Joker Snik (he was the first green-skin Snik). A few years later, black-skinned Astrosniks came on the market. The pink-skinned Sniks were soon to follow. It wasn't until 1980 that Astrosniks were introduced in their most common colors - green skin and purple clothes. This is when Astrosniks truly hit the peak of their popularity not only in Europe but in the USA too. Even McDonalds issued two distinctive sets of Astrosnik toy prizes for Happy Meals in 1983 and 1984. These McDonald's Sniks all have the "M" logo marked on them. McDonalds also had a limited release of Sniks in 1985 (without any McDonalds markings) - the very same Sniks that were sold in stores at the time. And ultimately, to the delight of Snik collectors everywhere, Bully re-issued the popular green-skin Sniks in 1999

Astrosnik set 9 Comandante y Robot


Astrosnik set 1 Jockey & Snikapotamus


Astrosnik set 23Rocket y Joker


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